National Family History Month August 2015

13 August 2015

2015 Web bannerAs voluntary coordinator of National Family History Month, I arrange to put events up on the NFHM website, liaise with sponsors, organise and manage the sponsors prizes giveaways, arrange the launch and promote NFHM through talks and a variety of social media platforms. This year has been a little more challenging as I had a fall in July and fractured my right elbow which required surgery. So I am doing everything with only my left hand!

For those new to NFHM, it is an initiative of AFFHO, the Australasian Federation of  Family History Organisations, a not for profit organisation. NFHM began as a week in 2006 and expanded to the whole month of August from 2013. It is a time when genealogy and family history societies, archives, libraries and other organisations host a variety of activities and events celebrating all aspects of genealogy and family history. There are hundreds of events across every State and Territory of Australia and even an online events category. View the web calendar here.

The major sponsor for 2015 is plus there are a number of prize sponsors. Without the sponsors AFFHO would not be able to continue to host this annual feast of family history. View the prize sponsors here and note how to enter the prizes giveaway.

Another major sponsor is the National Archives of Australia who have generously sponsored the launch of NFHM every year since 2006 in Melbourne, Brisbane, Canberra and this year in Adelaide. Sadly I was unable to make the trip to Adelaide but reports tell me it was an excellent launch.

Adelaide launch Aug 2015

L-R Michael Piggott, Anne McLean, Tony Arthur, David Barber

Anne McLean gave a presentation on the National Archives of Australia, David Barber Vice President of AFFHO oversaw the presentation of the Nick Vine Hall Awards and Michael Piggott, the keynote speaker on White Lies, Archival Truths and George Henry Charles Piggott.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank our major sponsors, the prize sponsors and the National Archives of Australia for hosting the launch and afternoon tea. I would also like to thank Jenny Scott for taking the photos used in this blog.

There are still two weeks of National Family History Month to go and it is not too late to add events or enter the prizes giveaway. If you are stuck for ideas have a look at my 31 genealogy activities to do during August or check out the web calendar to see what events are happening near you. Remember to look at the online events category too.

The NFHM Facebook page will have updates and the Twitter hash tag is #NFHM2015. Have a fantastic August and I hope you make some wonderful family history connections.

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