by shaunahicks | Sep 3, 2016 | Blog
Alex Daw (aka FamilyTreeFrog) has set up a weekly blog challenge for National Family History Month 2016. I like blogging challenges as they usually get me writing about topics that I might not normally do. Week 4′ s challenge is: Australian poet Dorothea...
by shaunahicks | Aug 24, 2016 | Blog
Alex Daw (aka FamilyTreeFrog) has set up a weekly blog challenge for National Family History Month 2016. I like blogging challenges as they usually get me writing about topics that I might not normally do. Week 3′ s challenge is – Significant military...
by shaunahicks | Aug 20, 2016 | Blog
Alex Daw (aka FamilyTreeFrog) has set up a weekly blog challenge for National Family History Month 2016. I like blogging challenges as they usually get me writing about topics that I might not normally do. In Week 2 blogger Anne Young reminds us that the Shearer’s...
by shaunahicks | Aug 19, 2016 | Blog
It was a privilege to be part of this well organised and interesting three day genealogy event as part of National Family History Month in New Zealand. Auckland Libraries and the Genealogical Computer Group of the New Zealand Society of Genealogists jointly planned...
by shaunahicks | Aug 4, 2016 | Blog
Alex Daw (aka FamilyTreeFrog) has set up a weekly blog challenge for National Family History Month 2016. I like blogging challenges as they usually get me writing about topics that I might not normally do. Week 1 is My Census Story – Census Night in Australia is 9...